Asthma Attack Blog

Asthma Attack Triggers

Although in asthma the underlying airway inflammation is always there, an asthma attack can be triggered or worsened by a number of factors. There are two types of asthma attack triggers;

Allergens and Irritants

* Common asthma allergens include pollen, animals and house-dust mites.
* Common asthma irritants include cold air, cigarette smoke and chemical fumes.

An allergen is a substance that causes asthma attack symptoms by bringing about an allergic reaction. An irritant is a substance that precipitates an asthma attack by aggravating the airways.

Keeping a diary of the times and circumstances that precipitates your asthma attack or causes your asthma to worsen can help you and your doctor pinpoint exactly what your asthma triggers are. Once you have identified your asthma triggers, you can take steps to deal with them.

Friday 10 February 2017

Asthma Part 4: Treatment and Control

In this final part of the asthma article series, we discuss the treatment options available. From medications to avoidance of triggers and regular reviews, consultation with your primary physician to draft up an action plan is essential in the proper care and control of asthma. ...

Asthma Part 3: Special Patient Populations

In this Part Three of our asthma article series, we highlight the special group of sufferers that require special attention. Very young children, elderly, pregnant women, athletics and so on face challenges due to their physical condition or activities that they perform which puts them at higher risk than the average person. ...

Asthma Part 2: The Medical Consult

In Part 1, we looked at what is asthma, its causes, symptoms, risks and so on. In this part, we will discuss on the diagnostic options for the disease, what to expect and prepare for your consultation with the doctor. ...

Asthma Part 1: An Overview

This is a Part 1 of a four-part series on the topic of asthma. In this article, we look at what is asthma, the causes, symptoms, triggers and prevention of this chronic disease. ...