Asthma Attack Blog

Asthma Attack Triggers

Although in asthma the underlying airway inflammation is always there, an asthma attack can be triggered or worsened by a number of factors. There are two types of asthma attack triggers;

Allergens and Irritants

* Common asthma allergens include pollen, animals and house-dust mites.
* Common asthma irritants include cold air, cigarette smoke and chemical fumes.

An allergen is a substance that causes asthma attack symptoms by bringing about an allergic reaction. An irritant is a substance that precipitates an asthma attack by aggravating the airways.

Keeping a diary of the times and circumstances that precipitates your asthma attack or causes your asthma to worsen can help you and your doctor pinpoint exactly what your asthma triggers are. Once you have identified your asthma triggers, you can take steps to deal with them.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Got Asthma? Exercise Is the Right Prescription

Asthma can be a very troublesome disorder. Everyone who is an asthmatic knows what it feels like to enter the "attack zone", which is the zone where an asthma attack is pending or beginning. You can read the symptoms of an asthma attack on all sorts of websites, but the description doesn't capture the anxiety, the sense of helplessness or the fact that every asthmatic has his or her particular set of symptoms that are slightly different from anyone else. Asthma is a very personal thing. ...

Thursday 7 November 2013

Here Are Some of the 7 Ways to Prevent Asthma in Your Home

Asthma is one of the health challenges that are faced by a considerable number of people all over the world. Unlike in the previous years where it was considered as a permanent condition; there are ways that have been proven to work effectively towards prevention as well as treatment of asthma. The best ways to avoid dealing with this health issue is that it is always advisable to prevent it from occurring in the first place. ...